What Makes Educating Worthwhile?

Appreciative Inquiry in Education Where Students Learn Collaboratively

November 2017
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Robbert Masselink: I asked Wick to contribute to the second edition of a Dutch book on Appreciative Inquiry. What stood out was that Joep K. de Jong and I, as editors, didn’t have to change anything. It was well written, with a crystal clear message. During the last three years I have had the privilege to work closely with him in giving AI courses for AI practitioners. Everything that he talks about in this article on education and AI is what he practised himself in a very congruent way. By ‘living’ the principles, he showed others how to put theory into meaningful action.


Author: Wick van der Vaart

Wick van der Vaart has master degrees in Dutch literature and social psychology. In 2005, he founded the Instituut voor Interventiekunde (Institute for Interventionism) in Amsterdam. The core of this institute is a two-year program in appreciative interventionism. In 2016, he became Editor-in-Chief of AI Practitioner. Contact: instituut@instituutvoorinterventiekunde.nl

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Author: Robbert Masselink

Robbert is an organizational change and development consultant from the Netherlands. He was introduced to Appreciative Inquiry (AI) when participating in the Cigo-programme in 1994. He has (co-)authored several books and articles and provides training and education in AI, leadership and change. He established the Dutch AI Guild as a community of practice for AI practitioners.

Contact: robbert@keynoteconsultancy.nl

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