AI2: When Appreciative Inquiry Meets Artificial Intelligence!

August 2024
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This article explores the revolutionary potential of integrating Artificial Intelligence with Appreciative Inquiry. The authors present a compelling vision of how this synergy can amplify positive change within organizations. By following key principles and leveraging AI tools, practitioners can unlock new heights of productivity and creativity. Discover how AI and Appreciative Inquiry can reshape the future of organizational development.


Author: Alexandre Eisenchteter

Seasoned facilitator with 20 years of experience and early adopter of AI for facilitation. Alexandre is the creator of Stormz (stormz. me) for remote brainstorming and SparkitUp ( for AI-powered visual brainstorming and founder of the AI Tinkerers’ Club, a 400+ member community that leverages AI prompts in real-life applications, not just theory. 


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Author: Gilles Hauvette

Gilles Hauvette is an expert in Appreciative Inquiry, using it daily to support the development of organizations, teams and leaders, starting with himself. Passionate about this approach, which he discovered in 2011, he is constantly seeking new ways to apply it in the most challenging individual and collective contexts. 


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Author: Bernard Tollec

Bernard is a pioneer of Appreciative Inquiry and launched fifteen years ago. Formerly an international HR director at Philips, he transformed his approach from problem-solving to strength-based organizational development. Through AI, he has changed his own life and the lives of his clients. He is the co-author of AI5 : How to Unleash the Full Potential of Appreciative Inquiry. 


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