Engaging Curiosity

Roundtable Strategies for Merging Artificial Intelligence with Appreciative Inquiry

August 2024
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In a world saturated with technological advancements, the ‘AI’ defined as Artificial Intelligence typically conjures images of algorithms and automation. Yet, for those of us in the field of Appreciative Inquiry, Artificial Intelligence assumes a different guise – it stands as a catalyst for generative conversations and transformative possibilities. This article aims to bridge these two distinct interpretations of AI – Artificial Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry – exploring how they can synergistically drive meaningful change. 


Author: Sherri Sutton

Sherri inspires others to make positive transformations by helping them navigate through the waves of change and disruption. She is passionate about making work situations more equitable and inclusive, and helping team members shine a light on what is often overlooked, their strengths. She does this using whole systems thinking, Appreciative Inquiry, technology and reinvention. 

Contact: sherri@positiveimpactforce.com

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