Resilience is woven in a relational and narrative way for our protagonists to tell their stories of transformation: it has validated their exceptionality and the opportunity to live, the right to be heard and be participants in the decisions that impact their lives. These narratives were a trigger to open the co-creation of a pilot for a child parliament.
La resiliencia se teje de manera relacional y narrativa para que nuestros protagonistas cuenten sus historias de transformación: ha validado su excepcionalidad y la oportunidad de vivir, el derecho a ser escuchados y ser partícipes de las decisiones que impactan en sus vidas. Estas narrativas fueron un detonante para abrir la co-creación de un piloto para un parlamento infantil.
Publish Date:November 2021No. of pages:5Digital Object Identifier:
Author: Circe Peralta
Practitioner of Appreciative Inquiry, plastic artist, and atelerista, facilitating educational processes inspired in the Reggio Emilia methodology. Participated in The World Appreciative Inquiry (WAIC) 2019, France, as asSpeaker. Independent consultant specializing in community philanthropy and community foundations in Latin America.
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