Bringing ‘Being’ into the Workplace

November 2016
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What undiscovered potential could be awakened when who we are is integrated into the workplace? In this story, a client transcends the result-driven motivation of ‘doing’ to the meaning-driven embodiment of ‘being’ and unexpectedly evokes greater creative output, trusting relationships, and deeper gratitude.  Through her example, ontological transformation is made comprehensible as the core qualities of our being are discovered and brought into focus each day.


Author: Colleen Trepte

Colleen Trepte, an organization development consultant and professional coach, uses ontology and complexity science strategies as part of her practice. She designs tools and change models based on her experience facilitating transformation with entrepreneurs and corporate professionals. She holds a Master of OD from Pepperdine University and is an ICF-trained coach. Contact:

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