Enhancing profitability through business process excellence: The Green Mountain Coffee Roasters’ story (2003)


This article provides a snapshot of the unique approach to the Design phase of the Appreciative Inquiry methodology as the company sought to: discover its core strengths and capacities; envision opportunities for positive change; design the change into the organization’s systems, structures, products and culture, and implement sustaining change.

This article is 1 of 6 FREE articles as prelude to the May 2017 issue. In this issue the authors reflect upon previous articles and give us an insight in the long-term results of earlier projects involving strength-based interventions. 

When you subscribe to AI Practitioner, you receive all issues of 2017 and these six free articles in your account.


Author: Amanda Trosten-Bloom

Amanda Trosten-Bloom (Principal, Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change and Corporation for Positive Change) is a widely acclaimed consultant, master trainer, energizing speaker, and pioneer in the use of Appreciative Inquiry for high engagement, whole-system change. Publications include The Power of Appreciative Inquiry, Appreciative Leadership, Appreciative Team Building and three other books. Contact: amanda@positivechange.org

All articles of this author

Author: Ilene Wasserman

Ilene Wasserman, president of ICW Consulting Group and senior leadership fellow at Wharton College, has been on the cutting edge of practice and research in strengths-based methodologies and relational leadership, engaging diversity, promoting equity and fostering inclusive cultures. She co-authored Peer Coaching at Work

 Contact: iwasserman@icwconsulting.com

All articles of this author


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