The november 2016 issue will focus on strength-based, appreciative & generative “Coaching for Transcendence”. We are particularly interested in stories, concepts, application & practices that take the philosophy and approach of both western as well as oriental practices & wisdom to facilitate “Coaching for Transcendence”.
Here it is important to emphasize what we understand by “Coaching for Transcendence”. For us it means going beyond the issue-based breakthrough Coaching to facilitate presence-based, essence-invoking, deep consciousness “Being level” transcendence. Such approach to Coaching helps the client (Coachee) experience her/his issue or context at personal &/or collective consciousness level, connecting with own core, nature, its elements, patterns and law. The individual is able to rise above and beyond her/his immediate context/issue, shifting from existential to essential. It is at this level of “Being” that an individual is able to hear her/himself in the “silence of now” , and the deep transcendental awareness begins to emerge where one was struggling to find just a solution to the immediate problem. The experience of oneself at this “deep being” level, helps one connect to the “Self at Core” , what is also understood as “Transcendental Self”.
Viktor Frankl says, “the true meaning of life is to be discovered in the world rather than within … I have termed this constitutive characteristic the self-transcendence of human existence … meaning being human always points, and is directed, to something or someone, other than oneself.”
In the same spirit, and the infinite spirit of Positive Psychology, Social Constructionism, Generative Metaphor, Taoism, Spiral Consciousness, Advaita, Zen, Sufism and all such strength-based, generative approaches … This issue of “aipractitioner” invites you to share your wisdom about “Coaching for Transcendence” in any or a combination of the following forms –
Revisiting core aspects and principles of AI &/or any other strengths-based philosophy/model ; proposing conceptual shifts & evolutionary paradigms that serve the purpose of “Coaching for Transcendence”.
Building on the experiential wisdom of Coaching and L&OD practitioners ; articulating and proposing application constructs, process models and frameworks that pave the way for “Coaching for Transcendence”.
Calling for stories & endeavours that inspire AI and strengths-based Coaching work that highlights generative wisdom and strengths/values/practices that facilitate ‘Coaching for Transcendence’. Such stories should have the prototyping or replicative potential. Please note that your article should build the story context and narrate its exceptionally generative moments with minimal detail. Please avoid content clutter. We encourage a focus on articulating the generative lessons &/or replicative potential of the story.
“there are many ways to be … one of them is to transcend” – Anais Nin
Please submit a proposal-cum-synopsis for what you want to write about. It should be MAX 300-400 words long. It should outline following –
- Proposed Title AND form of the article (Concept OR Construct OR Stories)
- Abstracts of what you want to share through the proposed article
- Authors’ Bio (MAX 30 words each) , exclusive of the proposal-cum-synopsis
- Corresponding Author. Nominate ONLY ONE, if there are more than one
Please also indicate your agreeableness for the following –
- declare originality of your article & acknowledge/credit (with consent, wherever applicable) the quotes & citations, if any
- improve/enhance the articles on the basis of Editorial observations
- sign an agreement for publication with the ‘AIPRACTITIONER’ Management once your full-length article is accepted for publication
- Proposal-cum-synopsis (per guidelines) LATEST by 15-06-2016
- §§ Notification of long-listed proposal-cum-synopsis (for development as full articles) LATEST by 30-06-2016
- Submission of Full-length article (1400-1600 Words, excluding references) LATEST by 25-07-2016
- Notification of short-listed articles & Editorial suggestions LATEST by 07-08- 2016
- Submission of Finalized Articles (as per Editorial suggestions) along with tables/graphics/images, if any ; Authors’ Bio & Photos (Bio-length & Photo-size would be notified later) LATEST by 22-08 2016
- Notification of finally selected articles LATEST by 29-08 2016
- Handing over final articles to Production Editor by 05-09-2016, who would work on Authors’ NOC for final version, agreement, other logistics etc.
§§ QUERIES , if any, Latest by 5th June 2016 to
§§ PROPOSAL Latest by 15th June 2016 to &
‘AIPRACTIONER’ is a scholarly, non-commercial journal. The authors make voluntary, non-payable submissions. They receive a copy of the issue for which they have written. If they so wish, they can subscribe for the Journal.
We look forward to co-creating a rich & insightful Nov 2016 issue of ‘aipractitioner’ on the theme ‘Coaching for Transcendence’.
In appreciative anticipation
Neena Verma, PhD, PCC
Ram S Ramanathan, PCC, BCC, EMCC Awardee
Dr Neena Verma, PCC is a scholarly AI practitioner and educator. She is a PCC level ICF credentialed Coach, an Accredited Sensitivity Trainer, Certified AI Practitioner, Qualified MBTI & HOGAN Professional, & Certified NLP Master Practitioner. She specializes in Leadership, Team & Transcendence Coaching. She is passionate about developing path-breaking Coaching & OD process frameworks that promote application of strengths-based approaches like AI, Positive Psychology, JUNGian Depth Psychology, Eastern Philosophies etc. Her work includes developing models like IDEA (Appreciative Coaching for Transcendence) ; MARG (Appreciative Reframing of Shadow Experiences) ; VALUE Leadership ; and ‘Generative Inquiry’. She has served as an International Advisory Board Member at WAIC 2012 & 2015 ; ISABS Board & ODCP Academic Council. She has also lead-edited Feb 2013 issue & been a standing Research Notes Editor of ‘aipractitioner’. Apart from Coaching & Consulting for deep, generative & systemic change, Neena is acknowledged for her work as a “Transcendence Coach” & “Grief Carer”.
Ram S. Ramanathan, PCC, BCC, SP and EMCC Award Winner is a professional coach and coach trainer credentialed with ICF, CCE and EMCC and also with training programs accredited by all three. Ram had over 40 years of corporate experience, over 25 at CEO or Board levels, in addition to being advisor of Governments, Serial entrepreneur & angel investor. Ram turned a coach after an intense spiritual experience. His coaching process is a blend of coaching competencies with several OD interventions including AI, NLP, and PP with a focus on Hindu Buddhist spirituality. Ram has developed his own SPEED group coaching model used by several corporations, based on the 5 D Appreciative Inquiry process. Ram is a writer and speaker, and presented three papers at the 2015 AI Global conference at Johannesburg.
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